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Teppo and Wakizarashi схема шибари

Additional shibari hand binding patterns

Teppo and Wakizarashi shape
In this lesson, we will fix the skill of linking the simplest shibari patterns using a combination of basic patterns. Teppo is a harness in which one arm is laid behind the back from above and the other from below. A diagonal is formed behind the back, resembling a weapon placed behind the back. Teppo – in Japanese means a gun. Wakizarashi means arms folded behind the head. In Europe, this position is called the “rabbit” (bunny).

урок по использованию бамбука в шибари

Using bamboo in shibari

The combination of rope and bamboo in shibari provides interesting opportunities.
In this lesson, we will consider three main areas of using bamboo:
– as part of a bond to strengthen it and, including, create an additional load-bearing structure;
– as a support for fixing in certain poses (analogue of blocks and struts);
– as a suspension point, allowing to solve spatial problems and create aesthetic poses.
Let’s start the lesson by looking at two basic ways to attach bamboo to the human body.